the fellowship
bill the pony

Picture time
Thursday, Aug. 19, 2004 : 7:46 p.m.
Well, just a few for now. We got a sweet new digital camera. Our other one died suddenly in June. We've been playing with the new one quite a bit since it has so many more features than our old one did. The zoom is also much better than the old one, so Curt Schilling better watch out next time I'm at Fenway. ;-)

Had to reduce the size of these. Reducing it hindered the quality a bit, but I still think they look pretty good. Here's my hunny bunny:

Here's my sweetie girl:

Check out the zoom - all the way to Athens!:

Heh. Just making sure you're all awake.

Since Massachusetts was nice enough to give us a "Tax Holiday" this past Saturday (this state isn't called "Taxachusetts" for nothing) D and I decided to take advantage of it. We got the camera; new watches - mine is my big b'day present - I've no idea what the "small" one is, other than it's "mostly white"; a late b'day present for my cousin; some candles at Yankee Candle (I may someday speak of my candle obsession); and some new fragrance for me - Ralph Lauren's "Cool". I've been wearing Sunflowers for eons now. I still love it, but wanted to try something a little different. In fact, my good friend T is the one who suggested Sunflowers many, many moons ago. And T, I'm SO glad you're moving back to this side of the country! :-) I found a notebook that we had scribbled notes back and forth in during one of those church classes we both took way back when. Ha! We were such liberal rebels!

Today, the cat on my cat-a-day calendar looks like Tevye. Thought I had a picture of him but I don't. I'll have to ask my sister for a few. I have just one of his sister, Golde, so I'll need to ask for a few more of her as well.

As D and I were watching women's beach volleyball the other evening, it finally dawned on me who my trainer reminds me of. Misty May! Misty's partner, Kerri Walsh, reminds me of a girl I grew up and went to school with. We were always friendly throughout high school, but didn't hang out. Haven't seen her since hs and ultimately decided she wouldn't remember me. This morning I talked with my mom and she said, "You'll never guess who I saw the other day." It was her! She asked my mom how I was doing and asked if I remembered her! How funny is that? Glad to know she's doing well.

Off to watch more Olympics. Have a pleasant day/evening/whatever. :-)