the fellowship
bill the pony

Saturday, Mar. 27, 2004 : 8:30 p.m.
Yesterday was a long, busy day. Had an interview with an all-alcohol beverage company at 3:30. I went in to work early and left under the pretense of taking D to the doctor. I wasn't overly impressed with the beverage place. I got there 10 minutes early and was handed a stack of paperwork to fill out. One of the items I found myself filling out was a 160 question true or false profile. Some of the questions were entirely too personal and some were downright stupid. It took an hour to fill out every last bit of paperwork they gave me. At several points I almost got up and walked out. Figured since I was already there I may as well see what they had to say for themselves. I talked with a couple of people who seemed nice enough and put me on the spot way more than I ever have been in an interview before. Can't believe that the interview process has changed that drastically in 2-1/2 years. Either that or these people are just incredibly nosy. We'll see if I get called back for a second interview. I won't be surprised if I don't. I won't be surprised if I do. It's amazing how the hour and a half spent there made me rethink my current employment and that really, it's not all that bad a place to be, in spite of the politicking. Can't beat the hours. It's close to home. I work in the only department there where we all gladly help each other out. I'm feeling a little less desperate about getting out of there.

So D knocked on The Country's door a little earlier today. The music volume was pretty high again. He was very diplomatic and the woman he spoke to was actually very nice when he asked her to please turn it down. Here's hoping there will be no trash in our parking area or doorstep come tomorrow!

Speaking of D, his Thursday night volleyball is now officially league volleyball. He's captain of one of the three teams they have so far. I've watched him play a few times and he's way too modest about his level of play. He's very, very good.

I found out today that my sister-in-law is expecting child #9 any time now. She's a little odd about keeping us informed about things like this. I've never been a big fan of my sister-in-law, truth be known. She's said a lot of unnecessarily hurtful things to members of my family. I deal with her only because I love my brother.

Overall today's been quiet. I spent most of the day curled up on the couch with one of the cats. I got a phone call around 1:00 from a woman I used to work with whom I've since become friends with. When I answered she said "Schilling's pitching! Wanted to be sure you were watching!" :) Only 8 days to Opening Day!