the fellowship
bill the pony

Double DEUCE!!!!!
Thursday, Apr. 01, 2004 : 7:15 p.m.
My "the world is going to hell" thoughts were shattered this morning when D emailed to let me know one of our favorite websites had been updated. They usually update every Monday but, sometimes, when they're working on something extra special (like today's April Fool's joke), they're a few days late.

Should anyone actually be reading this and you check out the website, once the page loads, read what's there and if nothing has happened yet by the time you're done, let it sit. Don't go anywhere.

And feel free to make some extra pudding for me. Chocolate. Ooooo, or butterscotch. Oh, and some whipped cream would be nice, too. Thanks.

So D's dad called last night to give us the low-down on the upcoming events of the weekend. Mass for his grandfather is tomorrow at 6 pm. There's no way we're going to be able to make it. Barring traffic, we'd be lucky to be there by 7:30. Traffic's crazier than usual on Friday nights and is why I was VERY happy when poker night got switched to Saturday instead of Friday. Hope his grandmother doesn't get upset that we can't make it tomorrow. Apparently they're having April's poker night tomorrow after Mass instead of Saturday since most everyone will already be there. Saturday a bunch of our fellow beach bums are going to see a couple of comedian/musician guys that they saw while we were at the beach last year, and they'll all surely get loaded in the process. Beach Brenda told me about it when I saw her at the Super Bowl party and told me I HAD to go because I didn't go with them last summer. I told her I would, but then completely forgot about it. I'm sorry, Brenda! And if Uncle "Ramon" needs a bathroom on the way home, we're a little too far away for him to use ours, so you'd better scope one out for him now! Then on Sunday there's the 2nd Texas Hold 'Em tournament at his grandmother's. They don't want to mix regular poker night with the tournament, so have them on separate occasions. We missed the first tournament on New Year's Eve. Not only had my grandmother passed away the day prior, but we'd already made plans to take my nephews and one of their girlfriends into Boston for the New Year's festivities. We almost cancelled but I could hear my grandmother saying "GO! Have a great time!" So we went, and I cried when no one was looking, especially while we were watching the fireworks over the harbor, but otherwise everyone had a good time. So anyway, we're in for the tournament this time. His mom won the first one.

I was poking through some old files earlier and came across this. We could NOT stop laughing.

There are some seriously warped people out there. God bless 'em all.