the fellowship
bill the pony

RIP Broadway
Tuesday, Apr. 27, 2004 : 9:20 p.m.
Today started on a sad note. My friend who sent the questionnaire (posted yesterday) emailed that one of his kitties passed away unexpectedly yesterday evening. My heart is breaking with yours, C. Know that you and M are in my thoughts and prayers.

That got me thinking about my own kitties, who are entering middle age, it seems. They'll be 7 next month which, according to cat food manufacturers, renders them as "seniors". Seniors! I fully expect them to be around for at least 10 more years. If they're seniors now, what the heck will they be 10 years from now!



I've just spent the past hour and a half poking through different diary templates. Babs has been on my lap the entire time and my legs are ready to break. She's not a tiny kitty. Here's one of my favorite pics of the kids:

Think I took that picture last May.

It was another crazy day at the office today. I thought there was a full moon tonight. There isn't. I've decided I'm going to find a nice big rock to hide under until the full moon has passed. If people are this nuts now, I don't want to be around them when the moon's full, thanks.