the fellowship
bill the pony

Friday, Apr. 30, 2004 : 7:39 p.m.
You know that hotel commercial where people's faces look like cinnamon rolls, and this one guy just freaks when he sees the cinnamon rolls on the counter and screams "CINNAMON ROLLS!" That's how I feel when I say "IT'S FRIDAY!"

It's been an agonizingly long week, but I got a lot of work done so it's also been very fulfilling. I still have a mountain awaiting me come Monday morning but right now, I don't give a rat's behind. To celebrate the end of a long week, I had two fudgsicles after dinner. I made chicken tacos tonight. I'm not supposed to have carbs of any type in the evening but I never got to eat lunch today. I was really hungry and just didn't care! Tomorrow's a new day.

Saw the trainer again after work. She really worked me hard. My arms are yelling at me right now as I type, that's how hard she worked me. And don't even get me started on how my legs and butt are feeling right now. Unless you know someone who's really good at massage. And none of that holistic crap, either.

Got my hair done Tuesday. What a difference a few highlights make! My hair is such a boring shade of brown. I had my hairdresser throw in blonde and red highlights this time around. When I looked in the mirror I looked like I'd just gotten back from vacation. It was incredible. The hairdresser I go to now is the best I've ever had.

Hey, I just realized the time. The Red Sox are going to start playing any minute now. I'm outta here.

Happy weekend!