the fellowship
bill the pony

Surly, you can't be serious
Tuesday, May. 04, 2004 : 4:59 p.m.
I am serious.

And I am surly.

Have I mentioned lately how much my boss pisses me off? No? Well, that needs to be changed. I'm not feeling regret for turning down the job with the mortgage company, mind you, but I was awfully tempted to call them today to see if they'd found anyone else yet. My boss sent me an email yesterday morning at 10:30 that I didn't get a chance to read until after 3:30 yesterday afternoon. It was a very busy day. In the email, she asked that I give her something by 12:30. Something that usually takes me a day to provide by the time I get everything rounded up. By the time I read the email, she had already left for the day. Shocking, I know. She never leaves early. ::cough cough choke:: Anyway, I replied, apologizing for not reading the email until late and that I'd have as many of the #'s as I could by this morning. In the meantime I'm wondering why she didn't just come out of her office at 12:30 and ask me why I didn't have the #'s for her yet. Too easy, I guess. So this morning she reamed me out for not checking my email and told me that I have to check it every 1/2 hour. I told her, quite firmly, that I'm always on top of my email, but yesterday was an exception because it was so busy. She handed the #'s I gave her this morning back to me saying she couldn't use them now because it was too late and I had to give her new #'s next week. Too late for what? If they were that important, as I said before, why didn't she come out of her office and ask me about it. If she doesn't know me enough by now to know that this is not normal for me, she can kiss my big fat ass. While defending myself I used a "This is not all my fault, bitch, don't lay it all on me" tone of voice. She didn't fire me so it must not have worked.


One of these days I'm going to enter a list of the many ways she pisses me off. Should be a hoot!

The weekend was nice. The weather was gorgeous on Saturday! We had the windows wide open and I did a ton of stuff around the place. It was one of those days that I really missed having a yard. I love mowing the lawn and tending flowerbeds. D doesn't particularly like doing that sort of stuff, which is why he'd rather continue living in a condo/townhouse. At least if we got a nice townhouse somewhere I could probably have a little flowerbed in front.

Saturday evening we headed over to the home of some of D's volleyball cronies and played poker 'til the wee hours of the morning. Started off my evening with a very potent frozen mudslide. It was so potent I didn't dare have 2. I couldn't even count properly after I drank it! However, I was the big winner for the night. I won the 2 biggest pots, the first for $16, the second for $9. Not too shabby. Should've headed to Foxwoods after that!

The Country has been acting up again in spite of that memo finally going out about noise levels, etc. I'm ready to bust their door down.


Curt was not a happy man last night. But that 5 o'clock shadow he was sporting sure made me a happy woman. Rowr!

This is a riot.