the fellowship
bill the pony

Full Weekend
Sunday, May. 09, 2004 : 7:06 p.m.
Had an excellent weekend. Yesterday's game was phenomenal. Whoda thunk Pokey Reese would have not one, but two home runs, back to back, one in the park and one into the Monster seats! It's not often you get to see an inside the park home run. It was incredible. My throat is still sore from yelling so much yesterday. My man Schilling pitched a complete game, the 80th of his career (his first complete game as an American League pitcher). Just an incredible day. It was funny - D noticed that every time KC put in a new pitcher, they played The Who's "Substitute". lol The weather was a little chilly. Just before the game started they announced that is was 51 degrees. Good thing we were dressed for it. We had vittles at the park: me - kielbasa with the works, D - italian sausage with the works. We're heading to another game Wednesday evening so I may have my Fenway Frank fix then. Then again, that kielbasa was yum-diddly-scrumpalicious.

Today we went to visit D's family. We didn't really do much, but we haven't been up for an actual visit in a few months, so it was nice. And it was loud. A few of the guys had a game of pitch going, a lot of people were hanging out in the kitchen and the rest of us were in the living room watching the game. A few of D's family are rabid Red Sox fans and couldn't believe we were at yesterday's game.

All of our weekends are already booked through the end of the month. Next weekend we're heading to my parents for a Memorial Service for my grandmother. Saturday would have been her 89th birthday. The weekend after that we've got a surprise anniversary party for D's parents (35 years). Then the weekend after that is Memorial Day weekend.

So D sent me this link. I snore. More specifically, I have sleep apnea. Was diagnosed with it a few years ago but have yet to do anything about it. This is the specific page D sent. I plan to talk with my doctor about it. I don't know specifically what type of sleep apnea I have, but I'm hoping that this procedure will be able to help. When I was diagnosed, the second night I was at the hospital for a sleep test, they made me use a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine. I didn't do well with it at all, which is why I'm hoping this Pillar System will work. The CPAP machine is like trying to sleep with a big air sucking leech on your face. Not a pleasant experience. The more I've been reading about sleep apnea, the more my attitude towards life and people makes sense and, most importantly, the more I realize I need to do something about it. Plus, I figure if D went out of his way to look up snoring cures and sent me the link, he must be a little sick of listening to it. Can't say I blame him. He was pleased when I told him I was going to do something about it.

Off to make dinner. Something quick tonight. Don't know what yet. Actually, I feel like cereal. Mmmmmm... Grape Nuts! I love Grape Nuts.
