the fellowship
bill the pony

Off to the doctor I go
Thursday, Jun. 17, 2004 : 8:31 p.m.
Had an appointment with my primary today. I really like having a doctor that takes the time to listen to me and does what she can to help me. Very cool. Anyway, today was physical day because I haven't had one for as long as I've been going to her. I should preface all of this with yesterday's events. The place I went to for the mammogram has very poor internal communication. They've been calling me every day since last Thursday looking for prints of the mammogram I had done 10 years ago. Every night I'd get home from work to the same message, from the same voice that left no name. Every time I would call back, get someone different, they'd ask who left the message and I'd tell them whoever left the message didn't leave a name. They'd get ticked, put me on hold, come back and tell me to leave a message, and every time I told them the same thing - I don't remember where I got the previous mammogram done - it was 10 years ago. So one of them suggested I ask someone, like my mother, to see if she remembered. I told them I was not telling my mother about any of this until I knew the outcome (and if it's good, I may not say anything to her at all) because she's got enough stress in her life right now, thank you very much. So, yesterday I came home for lunch and there was that familiar voice on the machine again, only with a very snippy tone to it. So I returned the call, again, actually got mystery voice lady on the phone and gave her hell. She claimed she never got any of the messages I left. Did someone eat them?! That didn't give her any right to be so snippy when she left the message yesterday. Her tone of voice put me over the edge and I told her she had a lot of nerve to use that tone of voice with someone who's got something like this on their mind, and then to not even leave her name so I'd know who to call back. I told her I had an appointment with my primary on Thursday and someone had damn well better read my prints and send them to my doctor before my appointment. I called my doctor's office this morning to make sure they received the prints. They did. Good thing or I'd have gone medieval. Thing that really irks me is snippy voice woman didn't even apologize. What a bitch.

Okay, back to today's doctor appointment. She did a complete physical and felt the spot that made me request the mammogram in the first place, but she didn't seem overly concerned about it when she felt it, so I'm taking it as a good sign. I figure if she thought it was something serious she would have made me get back to the imaging center TOMORROW for round 2 rather than 2 weeks from now. Oh yeah, the imaging center called me about 10 minutes after I called my doctor's office this morning to set up an appointment for a second set of images and an ultrasound. Joy. At least I won't be pms-y and sore for the second round! And if I hear mystery snippy voice lady's voice while I'm there, I'm going to hunt her down and slap her across the face. Hard.

Amazingly, through all of this, my blood pressure is still good. So that's good. :)

So hey, where's my Ralphie boy? For some reason, Ralph Wiggum's image is no longer showing up on the left of my entry. Very interesting. I've been thinking of using a new template anyway, but I just like Ralph so much. The new template I'm thinking about is a patriotic one - 4th of July is right around the corner and is my 2nd favorite holiday. I can always bring Ralph back afterwards and hope his picture will return.

I'm so happy tomorrow is Friday.

Again, I have more to write, but think I'm going to bed early tonight. Been up to midnight+ every night this week and would like to get a good night's rest.


P.S. Obviously I've changed to the patriotic layout. I like it a lot more than I thought I would. :) Only thing is, I'm having a problem getting my links set up properly. Since right now I'm so tired I feel drunk, I'm saying SCREW IT for now and will play with it again tomorrow.

Pleasant dreams.