the fellowship
bill the pony

Tuesday, Aug. 17, 2004 : 5:28 p.m.
Yay - it's new layout time! Thank you chikyblonde for the awesome template! :)

I need to start today's entry with a few pics of one of my all-time favorite Olympians. If you don't know who he is, WAKE UP! His name is Ian Thorpe. He's from Australia (I've long had a thing for Australia and Australian men). Can you say, "Yum"?

This one is currently my desktop background:

He's an incredible athlete. You can check him out here.

Unfortunately I missed the hyped up Thorpedo vs. Phelps freestyle event last night. I was asleep on the couch! Being an old geezer has its drawbacks - falling asleep on the couch while watching TV is one of them. I managed to stay awake long enough to see some of the men's gymnastics. What little media I payed attention to this morning made it sound like the men's silver medal placing is a travesty. Last I checked, silver was pretty darn good. I think the Olympics would be much more enjoyable without all of the media hype and incessant commentary. Hey, I know! The Olympics should be shown on C-SPAN! That'd be perfect!

And I'm sorry, but I cheered when I heard the men's basketball team lost. I hope they continue to lose. Professionals shouldn't be allowed to compete in the Olympics. If memory serves me correctly, isn't Brian Boitano the one who spearheaded the whole 'pros in the Olympics' crap? Nice going, Brian.

Ya idiot!