the fellowship
bill the pony

Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 : 5:43 p.m.
Didn�t get much sleep last night. Got to bed late and woke up too early. D had a migraine when he got home from volleyball. He wasn�t home 5 minutes before he was in the bathroom doing the old heave-ho. That�s one thing that always makes me feel completely useless � not being able to do anything for someone who�s throwing up. When he�s got the flu or something, I can at least do things in an effort to help him feel better. After about 15 minutes of his body rejecting everything he�d eaten earlier, he was able to get into bed and was asleep in a matter of seconds. Even when he feels well, that boy can fall asleep quick. I�m envious! Unless I�m thoroughly exhausted, it typically takes me over an hour to fall asleep.

In spite of being so tired today, I still forced myself to work out. I also threw away something I didn�t want to eat, rather than eating it anyway or saving it for later. Yay me! I�m frustrated though. I�ve been eating very well for the past month. I look and feel better, but the scale hasn�t budged. Oh, btw, my doctor�s scale was SO wrong when they weighed me last month. I�m still down only 10 lbs. I�m convinced my body hates me and is going to hold on to every ounce of flab it can. Bitch!

D�s parents called to make sure we�re going to be at the family function this upcoming Friday evening. Yeah, just like they called to make sure we were going to be at the birthday party that nobody bothered to tell us had been changed to a different day, and then never called when everyone was so concerned that we weren�t there. I�m glad D answered the phone when they called. It�s a joke to them. I�m still not laughing. I love his family. I really do. But if anyone tries to joke with me about it on Friday, I�m liable to be rude and sarcastic. Although D and I aren�t married and, at this rate, probably never will be (but I�m still trying to think happy thoughts), I still try to be a good pseudo daughter-in-law because their real daughter-in-law is� well, I�d better not go down that road. Suffice it to say she�s very self-centered and not very bright. So anyway, I almost feel like I'm entitled to be a bitch once in a while. Right now might be that time. Heh.

Hey, here's a pic I took last night of me and Babs. Awww...

Okay, it's time to make dinner.

Y'all be good!