the fellowship
bill the pony

"Todaybor Day is Labor Day"
Monday, Sept. 06, 2004 : 7:16 p.m.
It was a weekend of relaxation. Not much happened, really. We went to the Sox game on Saturday. They lost, but it was a heck of a game. One of few games we stayed for the entire 9 innings. We were going to try to meet up with a friend of mine who was also there with a new guy she's been dating for the past couple of months, but idiot me forgot my cell. D had his but I couldn't remember her #. I was mighty ill that morning and was afraid I wasn't even going to make it. I was to the point where I was going to tell D to call one of his volleyball buddies to go when I finally started to feel a little better.

Stephen King was also at the game on Saturday and threw out the first pitch. He walked across the outfield to the pitcher's mound while Michael Jackson's "Thriller" played. The crowd went nuts! It was too funny.

They also unfurled the flag that covers the Green Monster again. We didn't have our camera with us though. We got a pic of it on Memorial Day weekend 2002. They were playing the Yankees that weekend. Here's one of the pics we took then:

Well, my niece is on the phone (she has a knack for calling while I'm trying to make an entry) and had her first horse showing today, so she's pretty excited.

Enjoy the rest of the evening.