the fellowship
bill the pony

Cranky People... sheesh
Tuesday, Sept. 07, 2004 : 5:02 p.m.
I think everyone in my department had PMS today. What a bunch of cranks! #2 has had a hair across his butt for about a week now. He�s usually not like that. We got an email from him last Friday titled �Pet Peeve�, saying he's tired of not knowing where anyone is when they leave their desk, having to �hunt them down� or wait until they come back, etc. and from now on we all have to tell him when we�ll be away from our desks. Hey, why not just put bells around our necks? Sorority Girl is the one who leaves her desk for 20-30 minutes at a time to go have personal conversations with people in other departments. Don�t be scolding the whole department for something only one person does. And he�s notorious for taking at least a couple of 20-25 minute breaks every day and no one knows where he is. Pot calling the kettle black? I have my own pet peeve that involves him. He constantly goes into my time sheet and changes my clock-in/clock-out times. Actually, he does it to everyone in my department. I�ve spoken to him about it on several occasions and have always gotten the same lame-ass excuse. He says the system won�t accept clock-ins or clock-outs at times that are before or after our designated working times. Funny, every time he�s on vacation, the system doesn�t seem to have a problem accepting our time. In fact, there�s never a problem until he starts messing with it. I finally complained to HR about it last Friday � he messed with my time again last Tuesday and made me short for the week as a result. Got an email back from HR this morning saying it would be dealt with. I hate complaining about stuff to HR, and this is actually the first (and I hope only) time I�ve actually done it, but figured since I already confronted him on it and he still kept doing it, it was time to take it to a higher authority. Most times he�s done it, I had overage, so let it slide. Last week I worked exactly the hours I was supposed to, so didn�t appreciate him going in and shorting me.

I�m really looking forward to my interview on Thursday.

Another note on Sorority Girl � she gave her 2-week notice last Friday. She�s the 3rd person to occupy the position she�s in since I started there 2-1/2 years ago. If my employer had half a brain, they�d move my other co-worker into Sorority Girl�s spot and then me into the spot vacated by my other co-worker. But, that would make too much sense; and we all know that management throughout the world doesn�t like to do things that make sense.

My niece has decided that showing horses is not something she wants to do. Ever again. She was okay with how she did but said people who were making mistakes left and right still took top place because they were the judges favorites. She's like her mother - doesn't have the personality to put up with that type of b.s. - she'd be in the judges faces all the time. I think she made a good choice for right now, but think when she gets a little older and gets a few more years of working with horses under her belt, she should try it again. She's shown a lot of maturity over the past year and I can only imagine the places she can go in years to come. She's a good kid. Just like her brothers. :-)

Got a Red Sox 'B' painted onto both of my big toenails on Friday. It looks pretty cool. Think I'm going to do it myself next time, though (it'll be a lot cheaper - plus she charged me for a full pedi when I got only 1/2 - hmph). I'd take and post a picture but I know many people can be weird about feet, so I'll keep them to myself.

Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore were also at Fenway on Saturday filming a movie due out next year. "Fever Pitch" I think the name of it is. We have no idea where the 2 of them were in the park. There was a helicopter flying over the park for a good 1/2 hour before the game filming the park and surrounding areas, and then again in the 7th right after Mark Bellhorn's grand slam.

How pathetic is it that we just had a 3 day weekend and I'm ready for the weekend already. Ugh!

Time to make dinner. Have a pleasant evening!