the fellowship
bill the pony

�Oh� my� God. Becky, look at her butt. It is so big.�
Friday, Sept. 10, 2004 : 5:16 p.m.
Had another interesting dream just before I woke up this morning. It was Dale Earnhardt, Jr.�s turn to be madly in love with me. And my big butt. At some point during the dream I said something to him about it and he said, �I love big butts...�

�...and I cannot lie! U other brotherz can�t deny when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in ur face u get��

Okay, okay, sorry.

My big butt was prominent throughout the rest of the dream. And Jr. was very loving and protective of it. And me. It was cool in a very weird sort of way.

Jeez, I feel like a junior high kid talking about this dream.

And while I�m being candid, I�ll admit something that may shock some people (well, those who don�t know me IRL)�

�I enjoy watching racing.

I don�t really follow NASCAR. I don�t watch every race and couldn�t tell you who�s in the points lead. But I do enjoy watching it. Growing up I watched the race every Sunday with my family. Sometimes we�d stay home, other times we�d go to my aunt & uncle�s house. The Indy 500 was always a big deal � our big annual cookout revolved around it. My uncle was a professional photographer and covered a lot of the big races way back when. My dad went to Indy and a few other places with him over the years. And my brother raced at the local track for a few years before he got married.

I do have a favorite racer. It's not Jr., but he's a close 2nd. Mark Martin's THE MAN. Gotta love Mark.

How did I get off on all that? Oh yeah� the dream about Jr.

That�s the second dream I�ve had this week that someone�s been madly in love with me. What gives?

ANYWAY, #2 was in a much better mood at work today. SO, I asked him about taking next Thursday off. Unpaid, of course. We get a floater for Christmas, but I want to use that on 12/27. They already denied my request for the day after Thanksgiving off, so I'd best get the 27th off. Hello, people. Family in other states! They're not right next door the way yours are!

Where was I before the small bitch session? Oh yeah, taking next Thursday off. He said yes, so that's very cool. I'll bitch and moan come payday, but it'll be good to see T again. Right now it's looking like he's coming out here and we're going to hang out in town and meet D for lunch. We've got so much catching up to do it's not even funny. We stay in touch through email, but so many times one of us will say, "I'll elaborate more later" on a particular subject, and then never do. Now, we'll be able to just sit and talk and talk and talk.

The rain from Frances is finally gone. Today is much less humid, temperature is comfortable in the mid-70's and there's a delicious breeze. Opened up all the windows as soon as I got home.

Tried vacuuming when I got home tonight but for some reason the vacuum died halfway through. It does this once in a while. If I give it a half hour, it's fine and works like nothing happened.

In fact, it's time to get my big butt back in gear. I want to finish vacuuming before D gets home.

Pleasant dreams to all!