the fellowship
bill the pony

Time Flies
Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004 : 9:01 p.m.
My thanks to T for heading a little further my way today and letting me avoid the town Satan inhabits.

Okay, maybe "Satan" is a little strong. How about "She-Witch"? "She-Devil"?

And it was also helpful to be a little closer to home in case D couldn't get a normal train back.

It was so good to see T. The time went by all too quickly, as I knew it would. We talked about quite a bit. Work, relationships, etc. He's thinking about ::ahem:: starting a diary here. Come on T, you know you want to!

And are you sure that S and P are getting married? It just doesn't seem right for many, many reasons.

If I were to get into everything T and I talked about, I wouldn't know where to begin. We laughed a lot. T's always been good at making me laugh. Lord knows I can use all the laughter I can get! I've been trying (unsuccessfully so far) to not be such a miserable bitch. Got a few things in my life that I need to get in order, but either don't know how to or don't have the courage to, and it frustrates the crap out of me.

The more I think about things, though, I do think, for the most part, I'm happy. It's just getting myself to remember that and learn how to deal with life not being even close to what I expected at this point. Even though it's not what I expected, it's still good.

Someday I'll have everything under control. In the meantime, I need to learn to chill. Boy, do I need to learn to chill.