the fellowship
bill the pony

Craptastic Day
Monday, Oct. 25, 2004 : 6:13 p.m.
ARGH! What a crappy day. Don't even know where to start. The road construction for which there was no warning for? Twice? I needed to go to Wally World on my lunch break (and now that I think about it, I never even ate lunch today) and my usual route was blocked without any forewarning. It was bad enough I had to take my lunch early because the big boss needed me back by 12:30 to work on stuff she needed done by 3:15. So I busted my ass to get everything I needed (and still forgot some stuff), got back to the office before 12:30 and the big boss didn't even show up until almost 1. Grrr. Then again on my way home, there was no warning of any road construction until people were actually at the work site. Brilliant! My usual 7 minute commute home took 25.

As I mentioned above, my boss had major stuff for me to work on. Stuff I should have received last week to start working on. I wouldn't mind, but she's extremely scattered and it's very difficult to follow her notes. She's got 2 or 3 different sets of notes for the same thing. It's a nightmare to make sense of them. I do my best. She had to leave at 3:15 and there was no way in hell I was getting through it all by then. I finally convinced her to leave everything with me and I stayed until about 5 to finish up what I had and emailed it to her at home. She's got more to give me so am going in tomorrow morning at 7:30 to finish up. Thank God there's no baseball on tonight.

During all of this my mother called. My father has had a few episodes that they think might be diabetes related, but they don't know for sure. His temperature drops dramatically, he becomes incoherent and his whole body goes limp. It's scary stuff. It happened a week ago Friday while they were at a funeral, and again yesterday. She was able to get him into the doctor this afternoon so I'm waiting on a call from them when they get back.

My sister called when I got home - I was ready to throw the phone through the window since I'd been home barely 5 minutes and it was the 3rd time it rang - but when the answering machine picked up I answered. My brother-in-law still isn't doing great. They might have pinpointed what caused his stroke, but they're still not positive. He has a hole in his heart and they think that may have been a big contributing factor. So, he has an appointment tomorrow with a cardiologist to talk about getting the hole patched up, and they have an appointment with a neurologist out here the week of Thanksgiving. They still haven't figured out what the spot on his brain is so we're hoping the doctor out here can shed some light on it.

I'm feeling so stressed right now I just want to curl up into a ball and cry. Have another migraine so actually I'd like to throw up first before I curl up and cry. I'd go take a hot bath right now but D called a few minutes ago because his train is late and I'm waiting to be sure I don't have to go pick him up at a different station. He said no, but you never know. The MBTA can be pretty fickle.

The good news is I have an interview with HR tomorrow, and when I got home the mutual fund recruiter woman had left a message on our answering machine, so I'm giving her a call back tomorrow.

By the way, am I the only one tired of seeing banners here telling me whom to vote for?

And, to end this on a bright note, the Sox are up 2-0. To quote Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan - "EXCELLENT!"