the fellowship
bill the pony

No more dreams, but here comes the guilt (and a few trivial drippings)
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 : 11:44 p.m.
Last Friday I had a good, albeit short, discussion with D about the dreams I�ve been having about him/us lately. I flat out asked if everything was okay with us. He looked at me a little funny so I told him that ever since his brother and Jezebel have had marital woes that I�ve had dreams about him seeing other women and tossing me to the curb. I also told him that when I woke up from the most recent one I�d had I was so pissed at him I wanted to kill him. When I told him this he looked at me and, completely deadpan, said, �Well, if you ever do decide to kill me, use the Force Crush. That�d be cool.� I rolled my eyes and said, �I�m being serious.� He told me to stop having those dreams, that everything was fine.

I haven�t had one of those dreams since. Up to last Friday, I was having 2 or 3 a week.

Now I just have to deal with the guilt stemming from a conversation I had with my mother this evening (not about the dreams - I never told her about them). She worries because D and I are �living in sin�. If she only knew how many times I�ve talked with a priest about this. Every priest I�ve talked with has assured me I�m not going to Hell because I�m living with a man I�m not married to. This doesn�t mean it won�t come up in confession from time to time, because sometimes it does eat at me. But why would God love me any less or condemn me to Hell because I�m living with a man I love?

Ack. I don�t want to think about this anymore tonight. On to happier thoughts.


Splurged on a mini-pedicure last night. It was a spur of the moment thing. The temperature this weekend is supposed to be rather warm (finally) and figured since I�ll most likely wear sandals to my nephew�s graduation party, I�d better take care of my feet and make them look presentable. Got a French manicure and a little tropical blue flower painted on to each of my big toenails. Going for a full pedicure before we head to the beach next month (next month!!). Might ask to have a palm tree painted on my big toes, even though there are no palm trees where we�ll be going.


My belated apologies to essaywriter for the unpleasant Gollum template. He is a bit� disturbing.


Been poking through some old Friday Fives. Decided that once in a while I�d like to randomly pick a Five of Old to fill in on any given day of the week, just for the fun of it. This one is from Friday, February 11, 2005:

1) Would you rather live in a world with or without technology such as computers, cars, airplanes, bombs? Definitely without.
2) If you had to live without either heating in your house or air conditioning, which one would you keep? Air conditioning.
3) If you had to own five dogs, what kind would you get? A St. Bernard, a Labrador Retriever, a Golden Retriever, a Greyhound and an Irish Setter.
4) If the world had a front porch, what would you do on it? Find a comfortable rocking chair, pour a tall, cold glass of lemonade, sit down and watch.
5) Would you rather live in a neighborhood where you know all of your neighbors by name, or where everyone sticks to their own business? Know all of my neighbors.


Going to turn into a pumpkin any minute now, so off to bed I go. Pleasant dreams to all. :-)