the fellowship
bill the pony

It's very, very warm
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 : 11:17 p.m.
Wow, I�ve been so lazy this past week. I started several entries and just never bothered to finish them. Well, thing is, it�s been pretty warm and muggy this past week and since we have just one A/C in the living room, the rest of the place is hotter than h-e-double-hockey-sticks. We�re trying to find someone to cut a hole in our bedroom wall to put an A/C in. We�ve had the extra A/C since last year but couldn�t find anyone who�d cut through our building�s brick exterior so we could install it. There�s a small patio outside our bedroom so we have sliding glass doors instead of windows, hence having to cut a hole in the wall. It�s almost 80 degrees in the bedroom right now. Think it�s time to dig out the air mattress and sleep in the living room.

I pulled Lappy out tonight so I could play on the computer and stay cool at the same time. And finally make an entry, no matter how mundane.

The weather here completely bypassed spring. We went from winter right into summer. Ahhh, New England.


The weather last weekend was absolutely gorgeous. Everyone had a great time at my nephew�s graduation party on Saturday. Poor D forgot to bring a change of clothes with him though. He wore jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt and by the time they were all done playing volleyball and softball, he really needed a change of clothes. Fortunately he and my brother-in-law are almost the same size, so my sister grabbed some shorts and a polo shirt for D to change into after he showered.

Unfortunately, as I was entering my sister�s house to get said clothes, her evil screen door caught the back of my sandal and pushed me into their entry way, smashing my leg between the screen door and the floor. You should see the bruise. I'm honestly surprised my leg didn't break. Fortunately, it barely hurts now.

The graduation party was held in the park we used to play in as kids. I got some nice pictures while we were there. When it�s cool enough to go into the computer room again I�ll post a few pics.

It was so nice to be home. Never thought I�d miss the area as much as I do.

Had a good talk with my sister Sunday morning about weight/eating healthy/etc. She started Weight Watchers back in February, just before she, her husband and my nephew came out here for her husband�s surgery. She�s lost 30 pounds already. She looks fantastic. She wants to lose 20 more. So, I�m starting over. Again. Tried to stick to my own program of sorts a few months back and quickly lost 10 pounds, but then lost momentum as quickly as I�d found it. I'm going to follow the Weight Watchers program now and if I don�t stick to it, my sister�s going to get very upset with me and kick my ass. If there�s one thing in this world I don�t want to do, it�s piss off my sister.


Well, I�m tired and promised D I�d be in bed before he got home from v�ball, so this is it for tonight. Thought D might take a night off from v�ball with all the crazy hours he�s been working this week, but he needs to get rid of the stress somewhere, so off he went. It�s been a long week. So glad tomorrow�s Friday. Happy Friday! I�ll be back when I�m a little more coherent. :-)