the fellowship
bill the pony

Thursday, Apr. 28, 2005 : 8:10 p.m.
My boss sent me home today. I went into her office around 10:30, she looked at me and said, �You don�t look too good. Why don�t you go home?� Told you she was cool. As much as I tried to sleep today, I just couldn�t. There wasn't a whole lot to watch on TV so I spent a little time drawing a pig and filling out The Average Day meme (copied and pasted below for your pleasure/displeasure) that the fantabulous Miss Julie sent me.

Should be watching The OC right now but Fox is broadcasting the President�s press conference. Think I'm going to crawl into bed anyway.

Let the meme begin:

The Average Day:
Starts at _ o' clock: 6:30 a.m. � ugh.
First thing I think when I wake up is: Can I go back to sleep?
The first thing I usually do is: Go to the loo.
If I eat breakfast, it's usually: A banana w/ peanut butter or hard boiled eggs w/ bacon melba rounds.
I wash my __ first: Hair.
And I wash my __ last: Legs.
I'm usually on the computer by: 6:45 a.m.
If I leave the house, I'm going to: Work.
I eat lunch by __ o' clock: 2-ish.
For lunch, I usually eat/drink: Salad or a sandwich/water.
It usually takes me __ to get ready: 45 minutes to an hour.
I usually spend __ on the computer: 15-20 minutes.

As For Today:
I woke up at: 6:10 am
I have eaten: Banana w/ peanut butter, a handful of cashews, some bacon melbas, a small chunk of pepperoni, a jalapeno stuffed olive and about 8 dark chocolate m&m�s.
I have gone to: Work.
I've been on the computer for: too long.
I have been to these websites: Diaryland, Red Sox, Comcast, AOL,, livejournal, QVC, Google, The Smoking Gun, Draw A Pig, Cat of the Day.
I am wearing: pink v-neck t-shirt, blue sweatpants and socks.
My hair is: Down.
I wish I was: feeling better; eating Chinese food; sleeping.

I plan on waking up at: 8:00 a.m. (I may call in sick).
Spend my day: Hopefully sleeping instead of being at work.
Talking to: D and my parents.
Listening to: Silence, with any luck.
Thinking of: how to get out of my appointment w/ the oral surgeon.
Laughing about: Babs chasing her tail again.
Getting angry about: Being sick again.

If You HAD To Choose:
Having the flu, or having a cold: Cold.
Piercings all over your face or piercings �everywhere else�: Everywhere else.
Failing a class, or getting suspended: Suspended.
Having to sit in a tub of snakes, or having to eat a tub of snakes: Think I�d jump off a cliff before I had to do either.
Eating a super-moldy peach, or drinking a glass of super-spoiled milk: Spoiled milk.
Dying, or losing your memory: Dying.
Going schizo or being a mass murderer: See the snake answer.
PMSing for the rest of your life, or getting your period everyday: PMS�ing.

Have You Ever:
Been stood up: Yes.
Had your Wisdom Teeth removed: Just one.
Played an instrument, and sucked at it: Nope. I played the clarinet pretty well, thanks.
Seen a UFO: Yup.
Pulled an all-nighter: Yup.
Been high: Yup. Hated it.
Been given a speeding ticket: Yes. Once.
Eaten octopus or squid: Octopus. Thought it was very chewy.
Been to a play: Yes.
Gone surfing: Nope.
Snowboarding: Nope.
Kissed someone of the same sex: Nope.
Kissed someone of the opposite sex: Every day.
Been in a real castle: Yes.
Had an eating disorder: Is overeating an eating disorder??
Been in a car accident: Yup.

How Many:
Piercings do you have: 1 in each ear.
Tattoos do you have: None.
Pets do you have: 2 cats.
People live in your house: 2.
Rings you're wearing: None at the moment.

What's Your Favorite:
Color(s): Blue
Cereal: Call me crazy but I love Quaker 100% Granola.
Pajama's: I don�t own any pajamas, per se.
State: Grew up in NY State, currently live in Taxachusetts.
Movie: Anne of Green Gables.
TV show: Andromeda, Battlestar Galactica, Red Sox games, The Simpsons, Good Eats, Iron Chef America, Family Guy, The OC.
Disney movie: Peter Pan.
Soda: Vanilla Coke.
Video/PC game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Way to spend a Saturday: Relaxing.
Class in school: English.
Ice cream flavor: It�s a tie between coffee and mint chocolate chip.
Candy: Snickers.
Lollipop flavor: Grape.
Teacher: Mr. Wever.

What If:
You could go on vacation anywhere: Australia.
You could change your eye color. What would you change it to: I like my eye color.
You could meet any two celebrities. Who would you meet: Curt Schilling; Christopher Walken.
You could kick ass at any sport. Which one would you pick: Swimming.

About Your Personality:
Shy or outgoing: Shy.
Do you laugh a lot: More than the average, uptight person, that's for sure.
How can someone tell your laugh isn't fake: Well, if I'm not amused I don't laugh.
Do you get annoyed easily: Sometimes.
Do you complain a lot: I try not to.
Do you have a few close friends, or just friends: Just friends. Would like to have a close friend again.
Do you get jealous easily: Yes.
Do you cry a lot: Not a lot. Definitely not as much as I used to.
Do you cry during movies: Depends on the movie.
Do you enjoy loud parties with a bunch of your friends: No. Not big on parties.
Do you prefer double dates, or �alone� dates: Depends.

In The Last Week Have You:
Eaten pizza: Nope.
Eaten chinese food: No, but now that you mention it...
Made out: No.
Thrown up: No, but poor D did. A lot.
Gone hot tubbing: No.
Went shopping: Yup.
Taken a test or quiz: No.
Gone to the doctors: Grrr. Yes.
Gone to the dentist: No.
Seen a movie: Yes.
Which one: Star Wars IV: A New Hope.
Got into a big fight with a friend: No.
Who: Boo who.

Random Questions:
Where were you on Halloween: Home.
What are you doing this weekend: Hopefully feeling better. If so, we need to do some grocery shopping.
Are you in a fight with any of your friends right now: No.
What's your favorite name for a girl: Elizabeth Grace.
For a boy: Colin James.
Do you have your own computer: Well, yes, but technically it is D�s.
Do you like to watch really scary movies: NO.
When's the next birthday party you're going to: Don�t know.
Do you have braces: No, but I will soon.
What color do you want to dye you hair: I�ve got dark red highlights right now. Going to keep them. It�s the first time in almost 7 years I�ve done something to my hair that made D say, �Hmmm� I like that.�
Have you ever cried over a teacher before: No.
Are you gay: No.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes.

-- UNIQUE --
1. Nervous Habits: I laugh when I�m nervous.
2. Are you double jointed: No.
3. Can you roll your tongue: Yes.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: Yup.
5. Can you blow spit bubbles: Haven�t done that in a long time, but, yes. Yes I can.
6. Can you cross your eyes: Yes.
7. Do you make your bed daily: If I had the time I might. Oh who am I kidding, no I wouldn�t.

8. Which shoe goes on first: Left.
9. Speaking of shoes have you ever thrown one at anyone: Yes.
10. On the average, how much money do you carry: Enough to get a coffee in the morning.
11. What jewelry do you wear 24/7: The �X and O� birthstone ring D gave me for my birthday about 6 years ago; the �X and O� earrings that used to belong to my aunt; my claddagh ring.
12. Favorite pieces of clothing: Blue �USA� sweatshirt. That thing is older than dirt but I still wear it. It�s so stinking comfortable. That and my Schilling jersey.

-- FOOD --
13. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Twirl it.
14. Have you ever eaten Spam: Yes.
15. How many cereals in your cabinet: 4.
16. What's your favorite beverage: Water.
17. What's your favorite restaurant: I miss Shuji�s. :-(
18. Do you cook: Usually.

19. How often do you brush your teeth: Every day.
20. Hair drying method: Blow dry.
21. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair: Yup.

22. Do you swear: On occasion.
23. Do you ever spit: No. Spitting is vile. It�s the one thing about baseball I can�t stand.

24. Animal: Cat.
25. Food: Pizza with pepperoni, pineapple and extra cheese; my mother�s macaroni and cheese; chicken fingers.
26. Month: August and December.
27. Day: Sunday.
28. Cartoon: Pink Panther.
29. Shoe brand: Gotta have my Birkenstock�s.
30. Subject in school: English.
31. Color (black and white are hues not colors): Wasn�t this already asked? Blue.
32. Sport: Baseball and football.
33. Thing to do in the spring: Stay indoors away from all the allergens. UGH.
34. Thing to do in the summer: Go to Red Sox games, the beach, barbecues.
35. Thing to do in the fall: Watch football, pull out winter clothes, open the windows at night, bake.
36. Thing to do in the winter: Once Christmas is just a memory, crab about the snow and ice.

37. In the CD player: Pearl Jam � Ten.
38. Person you talk most on the phone with: My mom and my sister.
39. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors: No.
40. What color is your bedroom: White.
41. Window seat or aisle: Window.

-- LA LA LAND --
42. What's your sleeping position: Side or stomach.
43. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket: No, but still need at least a sheet.
44. Do you snore: Yes. :-(
45. Do you sleepwalk: Not that I�m aware of.
46. Do you talk in your sleep: Don�t think so.
47. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Not anymore.
48. What about with the light on: Just a nightlight.
49. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: Sometimes the TV, but only when D�s not home.

50. Desktop: A picture of the beach we took a few weeks ago while at Hampton Beach, NH.
51. Song: �Breathe (2 AM)� by Anna Nalick.
52. To do list: Replace flood lights in the kitchen.
53. Need and/or Want: To feel better. Some chicken fingers and egg drop soup wouldn�t hurt, either.

[ ] I am bisexual or homosexual.
[ ] I've run away from home.
[X] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[ ] I listen to political music.
[ ] I collect comic books.
[X] I shut others out when I'm depressed.
[ ] I open up to others easily.
[X] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[X] I watch the news.
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[ ] I own an iPod or MP3 player
[ ] I own something from Hot Topic
[ ] I love Disney Movies.
[X] I am a sucker for hair/eyes.
[ ] I don't kill bugs.
[X] I curse randomly.
[ ] I paid for that cell phone ring.
[X] I am a sports fanatic �mainly baseball
[ ] I have one x in my screen name.
[ ] I have multiple x's in my screen name.
[ ] I've slipped out an AIM word [lol, brb, etc.] in a real conversation.
[X] I love Spam. �the food, that is.
[X] I bake well.
[ ] I would wear pajamas to school.
[ ] I own something from Abercrombie.
[X] I have a job.
[ ] I love Martha Stewart.
[X] I am in love with love.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS. �those who do should have their knuckles smacked with a ruler.
[X] I am self conscious. �extremely.
[X] I like to laugh.
[ ] I smoke a pack a day.
[ ] I loved Perks of Being a Wallflower.
[ ] I loved Go Ask Alice.
[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[X] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem
[ ] I eat fast food weekly.
[X] I have many scars.
[X] I've been out of this country. �does Canada count?
[X] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room
[X] I am really ticklish.
[ ] I see a therapist.
[ ] I love white chocolate.
[ ] I bite my nails.
[X] I am comfortable with being me. �well, I try to be.
[X] I play video games.
[ ] I'm single. �although we�re not married, we�ve lived together for 6-1/2 years, so I don�t consider myself single.
[X] Gotten lost in my city
[X] Saw a shooting star
[X] Been to any other countries besides the United States �only if Canada counts.
[ ] I Had a serious Surgery
[ ] Gone out in public in your pajamas
[X] Kissed a Stranger �well, he was a stranger but he wasn't. It was Colin Hay and it was the first time I�d ever met him. I�ve admired him for so many years I just couldn�t help myself. Fortunately he didn't seem to mind.
[X] Hugged a stranger. �see above.
[X] Been in a fist fight. �In 9th grade. I kept warning him to shut up and he wouldn�t, so I knocked him down and started beating him up. He got sent to the office. I didn�t.
[ ] Been arrested
[ ] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[X] Made out in an elevator
[X] Swore at your parents �only once.
[X] Kicked a guy where it hurts
[X] Been close to love
[X] Been to a casino
[ ] Been skydiving
[X] Broken a bone
[X] Skipped school
[X] Flashed someone
[X] Saw a therapist
[ ] Done the splits
[ ] Played spin the bottle
[X] Gotten stitches �more times than I�d like to remember.
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
[X] Bitten someone
[X] Been to Niagara Falls
[X] Gotten the chicken pox
[ ] Crashed into a friend's car
[ ] Been to Japan
[X] Ridden in a taxi
[X] Shoplifted �and YES, I�m still very ashamed of it. It was when I was very young and very stupid.
[X] Been fired �Once. From a housekeeping job that I hated anyway. But it happened on my birthday. Bastard.
[X] Ever had a crush on someone of the same sex �Okay, I admit it. It�s Angelina Jolie.
[X] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
[ ] Stole something from your job
[X] Gone on a blind date
[X] Lied to a friend
[X] Had a crush on a teacher
[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans
[ ] Been to Europe
[ ] Been married
[ ] Gotten divorced
[ ] Had children
[X] Saw someone dying
[ ] Been to Africa
[X] Driven over 400 miles in one day �Thanksgiving 2002. Ugh. Never again.
[X] Been to Canada
[ ] Been to Mexico
[ ] Been on a plane
[X] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show �Tim Curry is delicious in that movie.
[ ] Thrown up in a bar
[X] Eaten Sushi
[ ] Been snowboarding
[ ] Been water skiing
[X] Met someone in person from the internet. �D and I met in an AOL chatroom.
[ ] Been to a moto cross show
[ ] Lost a child
[ ] Done hard drugs
[X] Taken painkillers
[X] Had someone cheat on you
[X] Miss someone right now
[X] Eaten a stick of butter �I was 3 years old. Come on.